Specifically for Greece, the target concerning the greenhouse gas emissions is a 4% reduction, as far as the non- trading sectors are concerned, relative to the 2005 levels. An 18% penetration of RES in the gross final consumption is also expected.

The Greek government with the enactment of N.3851/2010 has adopted a target of 20% for the RES of which 40% specializes in electricity; 20% specializes in thermal and 10% in bio- fuels. Specifically, according to the results of the energy models, the national targets for 2020 concerning the electricity generation are expected to be fulfilled by the production of 13.300 MW via RES (approximately 4000 MW today), where all the related technologies are expected to participate and the wind parks with 7.500 MW, the hydroelectric factories with 3.000 MW and the solar parks with about 2.500 MW are indicated as prominent.